
Search results

  1. 2024-2025 ASGSA Officers

    great food, coffee, and random festivals/events. I’m also a big sports fan, and love to cross off as ... many OSU sporting events as I can, but you can most certainly find me in the stands of The Shoe on ...

  2. Safeguarding Your Herd: How Biosecurity Keeps Salmonella Dublin at Bay

    transmission to calves. Remove and replace soiled bedding regularly and make sure to clean and sanitize ... ill animals last in order to reduce pathogen spread. Clean and sanitize boots when moving between ... Hygiene Practices: Maintain strict cleaning and disinfection regimens for equipment and animal ...

  3. Summer Course Spotlight: Intro to Animal Sciences

    Check out this exciting opportunity to explore and study the basic principles of genetics, ...

  4. Macdonald Wick

    chain.  Basic Appl. Myol. 1:16-26. Presentations Thick Filament Assembly. 2013. Invited Presentation to ...

  5. Home Hydroponics

    variety of produce 24/7/365 days per year. Come learn the basics of home hydroponics and what you can grow ...

  6. Tri-State Manure Field Day

    strengthen their network. Registration for this event in Paulding County will begin at 8:00 am. The field day ...

  7. Factsheets

    Medication Moving to Prescription (AS-Y-6-23) Feedstuff Identification (AS-Y-7-23) Basic Ration Balancing ...

  8. Up for the Challenge – Dairy Challenge

    event, students were selected to participate in the Midwest Regional and National Dairy Challenge ...

  9. Ohio State University Extension Receives EPA (Region 5) Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) Grant

    successfully navigate funding opportunities to access the resources they need to lead in the clean energy ... transition, pollution clean-up, and green workforce development.   There are a variety of federal funding ...

  10. Build a Better Summer Recipe Virtual Workshop

    REGISTER: Special thank you to the event sponsor- The Ohio Rural Health Association. ...
