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  1. Hydroponics Open House

    students grow vegetables and fruits hydroponically in a greenhouse (Howlett Hall greenhouse). The event is ...

  2. Animals in Our Lives Featuring Dr. Temple Grandin

    Grandin. This is a fundraising event for CHAIRE and seats are limited. General admission: $100 per person; ...

  3. ACEL students receive national project awards

    State ACT hosted several events throughout the academic year to promote the agriculture industry and ... develop members’ skills. The club hosts Farmer’s Share, an event held at The Oval on the Ohio State campus ... Professionals, an event for students to network with industry leaders and grow their professional skills, is also ...

  4. Warring with Weeds

    farmers should later clean their combines to remove the weed seed and keep it from spreading to the next ...

  5. Pumpkin Disease Diagnosis Field Night

    This event will cover many topics including:  Pumpkin crop management 20 pumpkin cultivar ...

  6. Brain Health Fair

    We invite you to attend the Brain Health Fair to be held at  The St. James Christian Event Center ... Blood pressure screening Opportunity to interact with experts in aging and health You may view the event ...

  7. Tips for Teens Tuesday Series

    to' video series, Tips for Teens. The series will have information about life skills from basic car ... maintenance, doing laundry, cleaning a bathroom, folding a fitted bed sheet to making healthy snacks and ... gaining confidence! You may view the kick-off video, Laundry Basics, here. ...

  8. News Tips and Events for the Week of March 26

    commercialization process for biobased fuels and products during a daylong event April 13. The  Advanced Biobased ... Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE), who is helping to organize the event. Shah is also the head of ... includes continental breakfast, lunch and access to a networking event following the workshop. For more ...

  9. Southeast Ohio Sheep & Goat School

    This school is an all year program. The first event of the series is scheduled for February 15th. ...

  10. What will dicamba changes mean for farmers?

    but details are not yet available on those restrictions. Tank clean-out instructions for the ...
