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  1. Data Camp Session Four: R Functional Programming and Scraping Tutorial

    R skills. Outline: The lecture will cover function basics; Web Scraping Basics w/ RVest; downloading and ... cleaning of scraped data; and Active Web Crawling w/ RSelenium.   ...

  2. Sours wins Provost's Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer

    II, Sustainable WaSH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) for Rural Communities, Introduction to ...

  3. FABE Lecturers participate in inaugural Buckeye Precollege Institutes

    complex global issues such as climate change, food security, access to clean water, growing inequality, ...

  4. Student Spotlight: Cassie Leigh Collins

    hands-on like that is my style," said Cassie. "I liked all the work we did to clean it out and ... Military and Veterans Club, a position which is very important to her. "We started with a basic idea ...

  5. Kinetics of Reactions and Reactor Design for Food and Biological Systems

    FABENG 5405 Basics of reaction kinetics and reactor design. Material balances in a reactor. ...

  6. OHOC Membership Meeting

    Room 100 (Wooster) Mary Wicks event Monday, June 26, 2023- 10:00am to 11:30am ...

  7. Postdoctoral Scholar Positions

    knowledge of agricultural water, carbon, and/or greenhouse gas fluxes. Applicants must meet basic Office of ... specified in the basic requirements under paragraph A. The courses must be fully acceptable toward meeting ...

  8. Agricultural Safety and Health

      Topics of Research Construction Safety Occupational Safety and Health Rural Sanitation Safety ...

  9. Introduction to Polymer Science: A Bio-based Approach

    macromolecular structures. Chapters cover the basic concepts of polymer chemistry. Prereq: Chem 2310, or Grad ...

  10. Conservation drainage – a showcase at the Ohio State Lima regenerative agriculture farm

    Vinayak Shedekar, one of the main organizers of the event and assistant professor of agricultural water ...
