
Search results

  1. Annual Chadwick Arboretum Plant Sale

    information, including parking, visit The event will be held rain or shine. ...

  2. Canning Basics: Community Class offered in partnership with OSU Extension, Fulton County

    For anyone who cans food for home use or would like to know how to begin... Patrice Powers-Barker from OSU Extension, Lucas County and Melissa Rupp from OSU Extension, Fulton County will co-present a free 2 hour class on canning:  both water bath canning ...

  3. Congressman Tim Ryan Discusses Mindfulness with Students

    event was sponsored by Ohio State University Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences, and was ...

  4. Ground Breaking Event Held for the Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building

    On Friday, June 29, over 125 guests gathered at the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory at The Ohio State University to celebrate the Kunz Brundidge Franklin County Extension Building groundbreaking. Special thanks to Commissioner John ...

  5. FAQ

    educational events like health fairs or field days. These volunteers are generally skilled in organizing and ...

  6. Landscaping With Clean Water in Mind

    What can you do in your own yard and garden to protect our water? Lots! Learn about soil testing, fertilization to-dos and not to-dos, rain gardens and the benefits of trees. Go green, and we don't mean algae. Program Speaker: Amy Stone, Extension Ed ...

  7. Events


  8. Columbus Urban Farmer Network Event

    Come learn how to be part of an OSU flea beetle research/demonstration project and plan the 2018 Farm Tour Series. ...

  9. 4-H Club Advisor Appreciation & Enrichment Event


  10. Spring Clean Your Household Finances

    Spring is the time to dust away the cobwebs from your household money tools. Let Patrice Powers-Barker of Ohio State University Extension program show you how to create a useful spending plan and stretch a dollar in a few different "categories" ...
