
Search results

  1. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    higher than this, the time drops to under 30 minutes. Basically, cows know that stalls are in demand and ... a stall is available. Stall bedding must be clean and dry. The stall design and size must be matched to ...

  2. Calf Behavior and Bedding Materials

    requires that calves have a clean, dry surface to lay on with ventilation that removes any ammonia near the ...

  3. Does TMR Sampling Provide Useful Nutrient Composition Data?

    The same basic approach as above except the TMR is sampled over multiple days and then variation is ... feedbunk carrying a clean container such as a 5 gal bucket, take a handful of TMR approximately every 10 to ... walked the entire feedbunk, mix the contents of the bucket and then dump the contents onto a clean floor ...

  4. 2018 Miami County 4-H Volunteer Recognition Banquet

    This year marks the 72nd year of the annual Miami County 4-H Volunteer Banquet.  The event will be ...

  5. Milk Price Outlook

    Cam Thraen, Agricultural Economist The announced Basic Formula Price (BFP) for July is $14.77 per ...

  6. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    term market outlooks are uncertain as global health events continue to impact the economy and demand. ...

  7. Cold Weather Dairy Calf Care

    calves clean, fresh water in addition to milk or milk replacer. Another key to feeding calves in cold ...

  8. DLS Helps to DIY

    as ideas for rainy days when you are stuck inside.  If there is a beloved family event, then you know ...

  9. Milking Procedures Affect Milk Quality

    procedures. Cow preparation involves cleaning the udders and teats and stimulating milk let down. The goal ... here is to start with cows that are clean upon entry into the milking parlor so that milkers are only ...

  10. Milking Procedures Affect Milk Quality

    procedures. Cow preparation involves cleaning the udders and teats and stimulating milk let down. The goal ... here is to start with cows that are clean upon entry into the milking parlor so that milkers are only ...
