
Search results

  1. Collegiate Dairy Judging and 4-H Dairy Program Updates

    about any of our current programs and events. There is also a file available for you to view our new ... stand-up poster display that has been making its way around to many dairy events.  We are the first ...

  2. Ohio State, Smucker's come together over coffee

    between basic research and applications in areas such as photosynthesis and carbon fixation, biomass and ...

  3. Applications Due- Study Abroad Voyagers

    plan events and receive training How: They will help disseminate information about study abroad though ... (YouTube, posters, PowerPoint) and a study abroad reunion event.  They will also represent study abroad at ...

  4. National and Regional 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest Results

    judges in the Contest. Nineteen state 4-H teams competed in this year's event. The top four teams ...

  5. Plowboy Prom 2014

    friends!   The event will be at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on March 8 from 6:00-10:00 ...

  6. Farm Science Review: 'Breaking new ground'... while flying above it

    London. Following a theme of "Breaking New Ground," the event will emphasize the best ... or eliminate native species. Ohio's premier agricultural event These issues are just a sampling ... known as Ohio's premier agricultural event, Gamble said. And with growers experiencing more of ...

  7. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    skillathon was one of the larger ones with just about 130 participants. Results for these events are located ...

  8. Constructing New Buildings On the Farm

    Joe Beiler   Extension Agent, Mercer Co. There are three basic methods for construction on farms:  ...

  9. Earl McMunn Contemporary Issues in Ag Forum

    panelist discussion will start at 7 p.m.  This year we will be discussing the Farm Bill.  This event is ...

  10. A Look Back at the Dairy Business of 2013

    bookkeeping programs go beyond the basics and allow the operator to generate income statements, balance ...
