
Search results

  1. Food: Get It Fresh & Preserve for Later

    basics of choosing fresh produce; learn the latest methods of safe home canning, freezing, drying and ...

  2. Champa completes internship with Lake Metroparks

    events, event photography for promotional materials. She also had experience working with radio and ... television media outlets to promote upcoming events.  Champa will return to Ohio State in August to continue ...

  3. Sherman completes internship with OSU Extension, Franklin County

    coordinate “Ask a Master Gardener” booth. Sherman also planned an event to promote OSU Extension events ...

  4. Test Your Well Event

    OSU Extension Greene County is happy to host the 11th annual Test Your Well Event, September 14th ... Greene County Test Your Well Event.   ...

  5. Pasture Management Workshop

    the event. Admission is $10 and open to the public. For accommodation purposes, advance registration ...

  6. Steady Goes It on the Ice and Snow

    a cleaning cloth and stop immediately to clean your glasses if they fog up going from outdoors to indoors. ...

  7. Volunteer Appreciation Reception & Open House

    and welcome you to bring your family to this event. This is an opportunity for us to share with you ... the volunteers who make our programs such a success.  This event is free and dinner will be provided.  ...

  8. BIOBLITZ 2018

    a little or the full two-day event. Early birding activities begin at 6am. After hours mothing, owling and ...

  9. DUE: 4-H Event Youth Assistant Applications


  10. ACEL alum named director of Ohio State ATI

    that includes general and basic studies, experiential learning, and a paid industry internship. Ohio ...
