
Search results

  1. MVRPC Meeting- 2050 Regional Transportation Plan

    research functions for our Region that ensure livable and equitable communities; clean air and water; ...

  2. Cooper-Riser Receives Local Hero Award

    community whose basic nature is to give without expecting anything in return. Award recipients are ...

  3. Ohio Pawpaw Conference – May 18

    North American Pawpaw Growers Association are organizing the event that will feature cooking ...

  4. EPN Earth Day Celebration – April 22

    for an exciting Earth Day program, “Eat this Earth Day!” on April 22 at the Fawcett Center. This event ... While you’re at the event, be sure to check out the display areas. One of the exhibits will feature The ...

  5. Urban Food Systems Symposium Early Registration Closes April 12

    early registration prices through April 12. The event includes keynote speakers, a grower panel, 40 ...

  6. Shared Harvest

    residents in need of food are welcome to attend this event and receive food. Anyone picking up food should ... involved in volunteering at these events, please reach out to Tina McGillvary at 937-548-5215, or email ...

  7. We Grow Scientists Event – May 1

    CFAES will host the second annual We Grow Scientists event on May 1 (3-7 p.m.) at the Waterman ... a free event open to learners of all ages wanting to explore STEM in their community. This event is being ...

  8. Engage: Extension Data Portal Update

    the training and gained access to the portal, creating 3,877 events reaching 86,777 participants ...

  9. Engage: Extension Data Portal Update

    have completed the training and gained access to the portal, and more than 1,600 events have been ... February 28. Valerie Kohlwey demonstrated how to make bulk changes to events in the EDP, which is helpful ... if you need to update a lot of imported Vita events at once. A recording of this demo will be ...

  10. Ohio State University Extension Receives EPA (Region 5) Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) Grant

    successfully navigate funding opportunities to access the resources they need to lead in the clean energy ... transition, pollution clean-up, and green workforce development.   There are a variety of federal funding ...
