
Search results

  1. Declines in plant resilience threaten carbon storage in the Arctic

    events — significantly decreased over time. This may affect the Arctic carbon budget, foreshadowing ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar- Lillian Daw Labus

    While there are strategies to prevent and treat these bloom events, many of the methods are ineffective ...

  3. The Last of the TTUN Events

    Student Activities Center will be closing tomorrow at 8:00pm and will remain closed throughout the Thanksgiving Break. It will reopen on Monday, December 2 nd  at 10am Ice Cream Sundaes in The Gathering Place 3pm-5pm (TODAY!-Monday-available to all studen ...

  4. Book Talk | Core Samples: A Climate Scientist's Experiments in Politics and Motherhood.

    us pre-event for snacks and announcement of the recipient for the Byrd Center's Lois Jones ... Award. Copies of  Core Samples  will be available to purchase at the event. Cosponsored by OSU Libraries ...

  5. Connecting students to opportunities

    along with Meagan Toohey, senior career counselor in SENR organizes the pop-ups. "These events ... professionals." Five organizations were represented at the September pop-up, four at the October event and six are ... development, and we hope that through employer pop-ups, career fairs, and other events, we are giving them ...

  6. Ohio Soil Health Week

    soils. This weeklong celebration includes outreach, education opportunities, and events to raise ... awareness around  Ohio's most valuable natural resource: our soil. Check out the events planned and ...

  7. Dia de los Muertos Ofrendas

    help with dismantling and aftermath clean up would be appreciated too. ...

  8. Cultivating Change Meeting Nov. 21

    Our next Cultivating Change meeting is on Nov. 21 at 5:30 in Skou Hall 205. Look forward to seeing folks there. ...

  9. Join the conversation: Celebrate Ohio Soil Health Week at Nov. 12 breakfast event

    Professionals Network (EPN) breakfast event on Nov. 12. “The breakfast will bring together a diverse group of ... celebrate and protect Ohio’s soils. This weeklong event, which henceforth will be held annually during the ...

  10. SENR Announcements, November 7

    Scientist's Experiments in Politics and Motherhood. The event is hosted by Byrd Polar and Climate Research ... Change>> November 11:  (shared event) Environmental author  Leila Philip  will be at Denison University ... Herrick Hall) the next day, Tuesday at 4 pm. Both events are free and open to the public. November 12: ...
