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Keeping Cows and Calves Cool Through Ventilation System Maintenance
your cows cool and saving energy. Lack of cleaning can reduce a fan efficiency by as much as 40%. This ... maintenance through the summer is critical to keep fans clean. Even a thin layer of dirt on the fan blades, ... cleaning. Be sure to disconnect the power supply before washing the fan and be extra cautious of water ...
Livestock Medication Records: Are They Really Necessary?
market channels. In the event you receive an FDA letter indicating a residue violation was found in milk ...
A Day in the Woods series 'ADVICE from the WOODS'
to register and to submit your questions for this event. ...
Partner of the Year Awards-Glen Helen Association and Brukner Nature Center recognized
awards event September 16, beginning at 6 p.m. through a virtual gathering on the internet. Please see ...
Backyard Bluebirding Basics
Backyard Bluebirding Basics March 14, 2015 9:00 am to 11:30 am Stratford Ecological Center 3083 ... Contacts. Learn the basics to get started managing your backyard habitat for native cavity nesting birds ... after the program. Limit 50 Cost = $10 per participant Register for event at ...
Educational Resources
presentation starts at about 6min 51s) USDA and Cayuse Making "Cents" of NIFA Budgets (Budget Basics ...
Oats as a Late Summer Forage Crop
per acre and applying 50 lb/acre of nitrogen at planting. With most seed oats or triple cleaned feed ... are present, a chemical application of Glyphosate plus 2,4-D can be used to clean fields up before ...
Environmental Professionals Network webinar 'Staying the Same, Yet Totally Different' ...
Evening webinar 'Managing Woodlots and Invasive Species'
needed. Just click on the link the day of the event. Enjoy! ...
Making "Cents" of NIFA Budgets (Budgeting Basics)
budgets, including direct costs, allowable costs, and budget justifications. Previously Budgeting Basics ...