
Search results

  1. Hobby Maple Syrup Production

    you need to be as careful about producing your syrup. You need to use proper sanitation, process the ... sauce. Sap can also pick up the flavor of sanitizers. Do not use detergents, heavy chlorine cleaners or ... other soap products to wash out or sanitize your equipment. The best way to sanitize equipment is to use ...

  2. Freezing and Canning Venison

    chlorine bleach for this purpose rather than the scented varieties. For cleaning and sanitizing equipment ... would hold heat which could cause the meat to spoil. Transporting the meat: Wrap the carcass in a clean ... canning, refer to the “Canning Basics” fact sheet at Strips, Cubes, or ...

  3. Electrochemical Disinfection in the Fresh-Cut Produce Industry

    antimicrobial electrolyzed oxidizing water electrolyzed water contaminated food food sanitation food cleaning ... washing, irradiation and the addition of antimicrobial agents.  Why is a New Sanitation Technology Needed? ... Thermal processing is the most commonly used sanitation technique in the food industry. However, it ...

  4. Backyard Grilling: Food Safety Practices to Keep on the Front Burner

    other food, including cooked meat. Clean and sanitize utensils and other cookware before and after ... cooking, it is important for anyone involved in preparing, cooking or handling food to have clean hands. ... might not be clean like garbage, petting animals and other similar activities. When you wash your hands, ...

  5. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    different peach cultivars (varieties), but basically there are two types: freestones and clingstones. In ...

  6. The Organic Certification Process for Farms

    cultural practices to maintain herd health, including organic feed, excellent sanitation, closed herds, ... also check farm records, including cleaning protocols, treatments, and purchases. The inspector will ... or on social media about the benefits and basic standards of organic production. OTA also performs ...

  7. Understanding Value in Lime

    increase in the acidic cation Hydrogen (H) or a decrease in basic cations, Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), ... reduce the pH. 1 The parent materials, which make up the soil, may release basic cations, which tends to ... mechanical harvest also removes basic cations, reducing soil pH. Additional reasons for pH decrease include ...

  8. Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems

    pounds), although their full coats often make them appear larger. Basic Ecology Coyotes are not native to ... a litter is born. The alpha pair is usually responsible for most predation events within a territory. ... sheep and goats in confined areas from predators, primarily coyotes. The LPC is basically two small ...

  9. A Guide to Corn Growth and Development

    maintaining good identification of corn staging can help in understanding when critical events occur. For ...

  10. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    equipment is inspected and cleaned on a regular basis. When possible, mow non-infested areas prior to mowing ... areas with known stiltgrass populations, and require loggers and other contractors to sanitize equipment ... can be spread by foot traffic, horses, and recreational equipment, boot and equipment cleaning can ...
