
Search results

  1. Jonathan Wins 3rd Place at the GRS in the MS Proposal Category

    Graduate Research Symposium. The Graduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by the HCS Graduate ...

  2. Julia Wins 1st Place at the GRS in the PhD Proposal Category

    Graduate Research Symposium. The Graduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by the HCS  Graduate ...

  3. Meet Ashley Bergman: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    took a basic drafting and AutoCAD course my senior year of high school which I enjoyed. I discovered ...

  4. Business Law

    A discussion on the basics of farm insurance coverage, how insurance policies work, the insurance claims ... process, and items that a basic farm policy might not cover. Featuring Robert Moore and Jeff Lewis of the ...

  5. Caitlyn Tasney Receives the CFAES Distinguished Senior Award

    Caitlyn:  I have played golf basically my whole life and after trying a couple of other majors at different ... in the PGM tournament events that were held at OSU Golf Club. I wouldn’t trade my experience for ...

  6. Horticulture

    plants, and landscape design, as well as business principles to sell the commodities. You’ll learn basic ...

  7. Students of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Sciences Spring Regional Meeting

    Columbus, Ohio!  Registration Registration has closed for this event. Canceled registrations after March ...

  8. Turfgrass Science at OSU

    provides recreational benefits to sporting events as well as creates aesthetically attractive surrounds for ...

  9. Patrick Sours

    for Sustainable Development Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Systems Rainwater Harvesting Passive ... Enterprise incubation, Circular Economy and Sanitation Technologies. Patrick has been working to reform the ...

  10. Ohio State CFAES names top 23 seniors

    channel. Learn more about the event & all 23 seniors that have received the most prestigious ...
