
Search results

  1. An Experience with Monitoring Water Usage on Dairy Farms

    develop and market a water filtration system that cleans the water immediately following its use. This ...

  2. Managing Colostrum and Waste Milk on Farms with Johne's Disease

    culture studies cited above, samples were collected from the udder after thorough teat end cleaning and ... close attention to teat and udder cleaning at the time of colostrum (or milk) collection, small amounts ... remains the main way colostrum/calf milk is contaminated. A focus on environmental management (clean cows) ...

  3. Johne's Disease Testing Options: What has Changed?

    allowing someone else to raise the heifers at a completely different, but clean, site.  In another of these ... MAP.  The sooner they can be removed to a clean place, the less the risk of them ingesting it and ... is placed in a freshly cleaned and bedded calving stall.  The dry cow area can also be sampled to ...

  4. Forestry Exhibit on display at Thompson Library until May 14

    University campus. Read more: Air Quality Land Use ...

  5. Secure Milk Supply: Ohio’s Role

    outlined in the SMS Plan are good for all dairy farms to consider before a serious health event occurs. ... processing include measures to be put in place before (pre-event) an HMD outbreak and post-event. These ...

  6. Management of Dry Cows to Promote Udder Health

    increased mastitis. Providing a clean, comfortable dry cow environment will decrease teat end exposure to ... Teat canal plug formation following dry off is an important event in limiting movement of bacteria into ...

  7. Past EPN Events


  8. On-Farm Assessment & Environmental Review (OFAER) Program

    and commodity organizations. On a national basis, the program is administered by America's Clean ...

  9. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    That is just how a  small portion of the Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl event was played this year. On June ... 4-H Center to participate in this event. It includes both a senior and a junior division. Some are new ... fun. With 15 volunteers on hand to manage the event, there are moderators, scorekeepers, timekeepers, ...

  10. Science Café: Ohio State Forests- a Long History of Birth and Re-Growth

    State- The talk starts at 6:30 p.m. in 165 ...
