
Search results

  1. CFAES Hosts 4th Annual Back 2 School Bash

    first year, transfer, and transition students, the event allows students to get acquainted with the ... nearly 900 people, was hosted at Fred Beekman Park on Thursday, September 10, 2015. The event was home to ... a host of events, including a kickball tournament, won by the Crops and Soils and the Agricultural ...

  2. Programming for Adults

    food safety: clean, separate, cook, and chill Lesson 7.  Make a Change! (60-90 minutes) Choosing foods ...

  3. Cuyahoga County 4-H Service Event to Support Australian Wildlife


  4. Urban Farmer Networking Event


  5. Urban Farmer Networking Event


  6. Cleveland's Urban Farmer Networking Event

    Attend to Connect and Learn from fellow Cleveland Farmers. Come as you are, arrive when you can. ...

  7. 2016 4-H Week Member Kickoff

    Ohio 4-H Week is March 6-12 and this is Hancock County's Open House Kickoff event! Hancock ... County 4-H Advisory Council is hosting this free family event which will include fun, food, and friends. ... would like to create a promotional display for this event, please contact the 4-H office at ...

  8. Buckeyethon

    events and activities throughout the year to raise money For The Kids. Its largest event is the annual ... Dance Marathon which brings together thousands of Buckeyes in The Ohio Union. Register for the event ...

  9. Agribusiness Club/NAMA Banquet

    Location: Ag Admin Auditorium This event is open to all Agribusiness majors and is an end of year ... recognition event for our scholarship recipients and donors as well as students and faculty. Questions can be ...

  10. Fresh Start

    have earned previously and will let you restart at Ohio State will a clean cumulative GPA (0.00). If ...
