
Search results

  1. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut

    should be washed with warm water and soap. Clean containers not made of food-grade materials can be used ... cold, clean water to remove soil or debris. Cut the head of cabbage into pieces and remove the center ...

  2. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit

    the jar walls. If needed, add more liquid. Wipe the jar rim with a clean, dampened towel to remove any ... wipe the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue or stickiness. Add labels with the date, ... University Extension. Food Home, Yard and Garden food preservation canning fruit basics for canning fruit ...

  3. Black Soybean in Ohio: Addressing Stem, Pod, and Seed Decay

    strengthen soybean crop health and productivity, though unpredictable weather events, like this year's ...

  4. X-Disease of Peach, Nectarine, and Cherry

    chokecherries near fruit orchards, and leafhopper control. Clean Plants Trees certified to be pathogen-free ... (clean plants) should be purchased from certified nurseries. A clean plant is the product of a process ...

  5. Cleaning and Sanitation Basics

    Characterization of Process Soils Basic Sanitation Chemistry and Water Quality Cleaning Methodologies Master ... Sanitation Schedules Monitoring and Verification of Cleaning Regulatory Basics and Recordkeeping Who Should ... one-day short-course is an introduction to cleaning and sanitation in food and dairy processing operations. This course ...

  6. Pesticide Use in Schools

    and pets dusts in unoccupied areas of the building disinfectants, sanitizers, germicides, and ... sanitizers, germicides, and antimicrobial agents are exempt from notification and recordkeeping requirements. ...

  7. Register Now for the January 9-10 Ohio State Organic Grains Conference

    throughout the event, and opportunities to network with organic farmers in the region as well as speakers and ... trade show vendors. This event is planned by Ohio State University Extension and Ohio State’s Organic ...

  8. Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata)

    goats. This works to clean the site of vines, but long-term control is not likely achieved using this ...

  9. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Troubleshooting

    Practice good sanitation by removing organic debris and ensuring that conditions are not too wet. Keep ... areas clean by adding a base layer of gravel under the logs. Natural enemies of slugs include arthropods ...

  10. Drought to Frost: Feeding Safe Forages

    species, this rapid growth poses a risk to your livestock during future frost events.  What is prussic acid ... cyanogenic glycosides and degrading enzymes. Plant cell walls usually separate the two, but a frost event ... more cyanogenic glucosides. With recent rainfall events after a severe drought causing rapid growth, ...
