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  1. Dress-Up Outfit

    Dress-Up Outfit This advanced-level project is for members who have mastered basic clothing ...

  2. Seeing Through Graphic Design

    graphic design. Activities cover color, typography, design basics, symbolism, and branding. Showcase what ...

  3. Beekeeping Project and Record Book

    requirements, colony care and management, and basic beekeeping records. 4-H members should complete this ...

  4. Sundresses and Jumpers

    Sundresses and Jumpers If you have covered the basics and want to learn even more, this is the ...

  5. Arcs and Sparks: Shielded Metal Arc Welding

    fabricating techniques with shielded metal arc welding. Basic welding abilities are developed while ...

  6. Small Equine

    Small Equine This intermediate project is for a miniature horse, donkey, or mule. Learn the basics ...

  7. Bee ID Card (set of 25)

    includes color photos and basic information about more than 15 bees. The price includes one set of 25 ...

  8. Outdoor Adventurer: Beginning Fishing

    Learn some fish basics and how to catch them. Then concentrate on filling the log book with all your ...

  9. Light Horse Selection

    Light Horse Selection Judge horses and classes after studying basic horse anatomy for a sound ...

  10. Advanced CIP

    be covered in a Cleaning and Sanitation Basics course that will be offered the day before (October ... applications in CIP cleaning and sanitation of food and dairy processing plants. The course includes multiple ... anyone whose work is related to cleaning and sanitation or sanitary equipment design for food and dairy ...
