
Search results

  1. Chen-Ti Chen

    sustainable means. Some of his current work includes evaluating the effectiveness of Clean Water Act ...

  2. AEDE's Alumni and Friends Homecoming Reception, 2023

    looks forward to Homecoming again next year, and is already starting to plan events to engage alumni in ...

  3. Designing Circular Economy Strategies from within the Textiles and Fashion Industries

    drop off and pick- up services, and through community swap and thrift events. Tasha Lewis, PhD, ... in Human Development from Fielding Graduate University.  Additional Information This event’s menu ... events that are inclusive and accessible to everyone. If you have a disability and require accommodations ...

  4. Agricultural easements can address farmland preservation and farm transition goals, part 2

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. Environmental Specialist II- Carbon Pollution Reduction

    public and stakeholders. You will participate in public meetings and hearings, outreach events, and ...

  6. Premises Liability Law

    attended a haunted hayride, an event conducted by the Lake Metroparks, and were injured when the wagon ...

  7. Breakfast with the Birds: Advocacy and Conservation in Urban Green Spaces

    Program Overview This EPN Breakfast and Summer Field Trip event will feature hands-on learning ... activities, networking, food, beverage, and birding at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center. Join this event to ... worksites, and Green Drinks networking events, Green Columbus seeks to improve equitable environmental ...

  8. Data Camp Session Four: R Functional Programming and Scraping Tutorial

    R skills. Outline: The lecture will cover function basics; Web Scraping Basics w/ RVest; downloading and ... cleaning of scraped data; and Active Web Crawling w/ RSelenium.   ...

  9. What will Dicamba Changes Mean for Farmers?

    but details are not yet available on those restrictions. Tank clean-out instructions for the ...

  10. Involvement & Campus Life

    to events and opportunities that support academic and social success. The Center for Belonging and ...
