
Search results

  1. Dr. Fernanda Krupek

    connect US and Central/South American agricultural stakeholders through leadership and extension events ...

  2. Research Areas

    in basic and applied research regarding the conservation and management of animals in the wild and ...

  3. Dr. Uttara Samarakoon

    diversification of hydroponic crops. I organize an annual workshop in greenhouse basics for k-12 teachers to help ...

  4. Minors

    etc., where decision making requires a basic understanding of plant growth and crop production. Students ... management, etc., where decision making requires a basic understanding of plant growth and development as well ...

  5. 99 years of science and learning on Ohio’s Gibraltar

    Program Overview This EPN Summer Field Trip event will feature a tour of Ohio State’s Island ...   We strive to host events that are inclusive and accessible to everyone. If you have a disability and ... someone from our staff to discuss your specific needs.  Masks are optional for all event attendees at this ...

  6. Basic Home Food Preservation: Canning, Drying and Freezing

    Join us to discuss and decide what home food preservation method is best for you! This session will focus on food safety, fresh produce, and resources for up-to-date food preservation in your kitchen.  It is free but please reserve your spot: ...

  7. Dr. Tyler Carr

    sporting events. Want to know more? Check out my X   or Ohio State Blog!- Any- Journal article Book/book ...

  8. Student Organizations

    mission is to work towards a greener OSU through clean-ups, sustainability practices, and environmental ... keeping the earth healthy and clean, with a specific focus being OSU's campus.  Society for ... discusses controversial conservation topics, and holds public outreach events. Solar Education & ...

  9. Join Today!

    The first step to becoming a 4-H Member, volunteer or event participant is creating a profile in the ... 4-H program, including membership, events, projects, activities and communications. All youth and ...

  10. EPN Summer Field Trip Series- Friday, July 19, 2024: Coal Transitions: An Ecosystem Restoration and Cultural History Tour of Ohio’s Coal Country

    As part of our Summer Field Trip Series, this EPN event will feature a tour of ecosystem ...
