
Search results

  1. Julia Wins 1st Place at the GRS in the PhD Proposal Category

    Graduate Research Symposium. The Graduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by the HCS  Graduate ...

  2. Urban Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic

    Location: St. Patrick’s Orchard 1420 Oak Hill Ave. Youngstown, OH 44507 Cost: FREE View the event flyer ...

  3. Landscape Pruning Clinic- DATE CHANGE

    an additional $4.00. Pre-registration is required. View the event flyer here.  To register please ...

  4. Horticulture

    plants, and landscape design, as well as business principles to sell the commodities. You’ll learn basic ...

  5. Caitlyn Tasney Receives the CFAES Distinguished Senior Award

    Caitlyn:  I have played golf basically my whole life and after trying a couple of other majors at different ... in the PGM tournament events that were held at OSU Golf Club. I wouldn’t trade my experience for ...

  6. Join Our Team- Student Assistant for Area 10

    materials and learn basic evaluation and research strategies within OSU Extension. Through the internship, ... beyond. Attend meetings and events with staff to learn more about OSU Extension in Mahoning County and ...

  7. New Pesticide Applicator Training

    and Vegetable Crops  4- Nursery and Forest Crops 5- Greenhouse Crops 6- Fumigation View the event ...

  8. Severe Weather on the Farm

    susceptible to flash flooding.  These areas should be avoided in severe weather events.  Similar to stray ... lightning, flooding may occur even in areas that have received no rain if there was a large rainfall event ...

  9. Grain C.A.R.T. (Comprehensive Agricultural Rescue Trailer)

    Review, presentations at OSU Extension field day events, and Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Safety ... delivery at events such as county fairs, Bureau of Workers’ Compensation regional training events, and ... regional continuing education events for first responders. Project Sponsors As founding sponsors, we are ...

  10. Turfgrass Science at OSU

    provides recreational benefits to sporting events as well as creates aesthetically attractive surrounds for ...
