
Search results

  1. White House Forum on Campus and Community-Scale Climate Change Solutions

    to lead in the clean industries of the future and to plan, deploy, and maintain the climate-smart ...

  2. Mark Kelnhofer, CFBE, CTA, MBA

    tradeshows, expos, and events in the United States and Canada.  Mark also is currently a Lecturer for The Ohio ...

  3. 4-H Youth Development

    when they are 8 and in the third grade, and they can participate in competitive events like projects ...

  4. Study: Inexpensive Cleaners Can Effectively Sanitize Kitchen Surfaces

    January 13, 2011 Editor: The video below about cleaning and sanitizing kitchen surfaces also is ... each year. Consumers can take steps to protect themselves and their families by cleaning and sanitizing ... Allow the sanitizer to air dry or dry it with another clean paper towel. Consumers who use the chlorine ...

  5. Involvement & Campus Life

    to events and opportunities that support academic and social success. The Center for Belonging and ...

  6. USDA Urban Agriculture Grant

    2023. This link provides an overview of the grants’ purpose, project types, eligibility and basic ...

  7. Farm Science Review Archives

    virtually. Below are the presenters for the below faculty event recorded below,  The Talk on Friday Avenue ...

  8. Chow Line: Sanitize countertops and cutting boards (for 5/21/09)

    May 22, 2009 Should I use a sanitizer to clean counter tops and cutting boards, or does hot water ... and soap do the job? Although a soap and hot water combination cleans reasonably well, it may not ... eliminate all bacteria. Using some type of sanitizer is recommended. That way, you're making sure that ...

  9. National Ag Day Breakfast & Nutrient Management Workshop

    you at this free event. Register at this link. For more details, please click here. ...

  10. Dr. Elena Irwin Awarded Distinguished University Professor

    of the morning's planned events. Dr. Irwin is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural, ...
