
Search results

  1. Food Safety

    advancements in sanitizing agents and product recall strategies have increased the industry’s ability to combat ... contamination. However, the engineering concepts behind sanitizer application techniques have been long ... Safety Engineering lab/Center for Clean process development utilizes food engineering expertise in ...

  2. 2018 Environmental Policy and Outlook Conference

    LLC: "Renewable Energy Markets" 2:15pm- Break 2:30pm-  Scott Weaver, AEP: “AEP’s Clean Energy ...

  3. Beef Cattle Artificial Insemination School Hosted by OSU Extension

    9 a.m. to approximately 2:30 p.m. each day at EARS. Producers will learn the basics of utilizing Expected ...

  4. 2019 North West Ohio Sheep and Goat Series

    basics of small ruminant (sheep & goat) production and marketing for new, current, and interested ...

  5. 2022 Overholt Drainage School

    installation Drainage design software Soils basics and topographic investigation • GPS surveying and machine ... Audience: This event is intended for drainage contractors, professional engineers, consultants, district ... maintenance! Event Flyer Online Registration Print Registration Form Hotel Information       As the COVID-19 ...

  6. Conference Offers Tools To Make Better Ohio Wines

    Among the conference offerings is a crash course in the basics of growing grapes and producing red or ... CFAES, which co-sponsors the event with OGIC, will address the various aspects of growing grapes and wine ...

  7. Buckeye Island Hop

    Annual volunteer work and social event at The Ohio State University Stone Laboratory at ...

  8. 2019 Sheep Shearing School

    Ohio. During this two day schooling event, attendees will be given the opportunity to learn how to ... sheep related events can be found on our  Events/Programs  page. As the sheep industry continues to ...

  9. Hydroponics Open House

    students grow vegetables and fruits hydroponically in a greenhouse (Howlett Hall greenhouse). The event is ...

  10. Animals in Our Lives Featuring Dr. Temple Grandin

    Grandin. This is a fundraising event for CHAIRE and seats are limited. General admission: $100 per person; ...
