
Search results

  1. Speed Reading Workshop

    Are you behind in your reading? This workshop will help you read faster, remember more and boost your productivity! The 4-hr session is being customized for approaching technical material more effectively to help students keep up with their assigned readi ...

  2. AWBC Meeting

    The next Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting will be February 14th at 5:30 pm in Enarson 238. Dr. Boyles will be speaking about disaster management in livestock. Valentine's Day themed treats will be provided. Hope to see you there! ...

  3. Students Offer Sustainability Solutions to Mayor Coleman’s Green Team

    what it takes to create a climate action plan. After researching past climate events and future climate ...

  4. Senate Bill 1

    or if in the event of an emergency, the chief of the division of soil and water resources or the ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-08

    trade names, characteristics/traits (e.g. insect and herbicide tolerance), and events associated with ... transgenic events and combinations of these events have not yet been fully approved for export markets, ... Test, 15 transgenic products associated with different events and combinations of events were evaluated. ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-25

    will hold a field day event August 18th near Minster Ohio. Registration and exhibits will open from ... State University Extension-sponsored Central Ohio Forage and Grassland Expo. The event will be held ... experts, Purdue University specialists, and industry representatives will be resourcing the event ...

  7. Spring Plant Sale

    Plant Sale & Auction Fundraiser Many Student Groups and Vendors offering: •new and unusual perennials and annuals •Herbs •Heirloom and Organic Vegetables •Colorful hanging baskets •Native plants •Unusual and dwarf conifers •Tools •Rain garden plants • ...

  8. Research Abstracts Needed!

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences is calling for abstracts for the CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum, scheduled for Thursday, March 1, 2018, from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, in the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Registratio ...

  9. Ohio Make It With Wool

    hosting the event, but will be giving the senior AND junior state winner a $1000.00 scholarship which will ...

  10. Mock Poultry Welfare Audit

    Animal Welfare & Behavior Club will be having a mock poultry welfare audit at the OSU poultry barn at 5:30 pm on January 31st! The barn is located at 722 West Lane Avenue. Please contact Anna at  if you have trouble finding it or ...
