
Search results

  1. 4-H Hippology, Horse Bowl, & Horse Judging Clinic

    For more information about this event, visit ... ...

  2. Taking Flight with Community Science: White Oak Acorn Collecting Zoom Meeting

    cycle ecology basics, and how to participate in a community science effort to improve tree quality.     ...

  3. County Fairs Update

    events and activities only; and 1 will just be offering senior fair activities (listing is as of June 8). ... fair boards plan and carry out the youth-focused events, many OSU Extension professionals also provide ... in the planning, preparation, and execution of county jr. fair events occurring prior to July 6.  ...

  4. Take Flight with the Monarch! Earth Day Event

    bestselling book Nature’s Best Hope to participants who join us live during our signature event! We'd ... Day event to celebrate, inspire and connect with others who are engaged in monarch conservation and to ...

  5. Steps to Better Sleep Challenge via Your Plan for Health

    and make this your best summer of steps and sleep yet. Visit for more ...

  6. 4-H FCS and Miscellaneous Project Recognition Event

    Time TBA. ...

  7. Awards Announcement

    event on April 1, 2020.  I know we have many outstanding programs, community and other partners, and ...

  8. In-Person Programming

    An OSU Extension Planning Guide for in-person meetings and events is now available at  ...

  9. COVID-19 Vaccination Now Required of all Ohio State Staff, Faculty, and Students

    and events where social distancing cannot be maintained. When a meal is included, we strongly ...

  10. What to do with Stimulus Money

    consider whether it is a need, a want, or a desire. A need is something you must have to live (clean water, ... basic food you cook yourself, a dependable car to get to work, etc.); a want is a way to meet these ... of basic TV, etc.); a desire is something you wish you had but it does not fulfill any basic need ...
