
Search results

  1. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Akron- 2022

    Conference Information PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED THIS YEAR.  Masks are required at this event. Check ... restrictions, or accommodations for a disability, please call 614-292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event ...

  2. Announcing Equity Day – A Virtual Event on July 20

    EQUITY DAY is a virtual event in which Marion Dreamkeepers will present their recommendations for ... event. Contact Whitney Gherman ( with any questions.  Marion Dreamkeepers is a summer program ...

  3. Graduate Student Health Insurance Overview

    overview will cover questions such as: What is a co-pay? Co-insurance? Deductible? (basically, define any ...

  4. Poster Competition- Creating your Sway Presentation

    project including the basic question, methods, and results and also make sure to mention potential ... judges. For this 7-10 minute presentation, we will allow you to choose one of two basic approaches, ... State credentials.  [VIDEO]  What is Sway?: Learn what Sway is and its basic features.  [VIDEO]  Creating a new ...

  5. Programming and Activities Update

    can’t be accomplished virtually.  Please note: If you have permission to hold an event, you and all ... event. The course is posted in Scarlet Canvas, and a link to enroll in the course is included in the ... letter that grants you permission to hold the event. This is different than the ...

  6. Thoughts from the Director

    Life’s Be Kind food packing event to distribute more than 170,000 meals in the Youngstown area. A special ... shout out to Eric Barrett and his team for hosting this event. #UrbanOctoberOSU Tomorrow is our 4-H ... hiring, and making time for Q&A and networking. I hope to see many of you at these events or virtually ...

  7. Programming Guidance

    to be closed and employees will work virtually. Meetings and events need to be canceled, postponed, ... Meetings and events need to be canceled, postponed, or held virtually until Jan. 15. This includes 4-H club ... meetings and events and Master Gardner Volunteer meetings and events.  We recognize that this is different ...

  8. Thoughts from the Director

    safety protocols (i.e., masks, 6-foot physical distancing, and sanitizing). I would remind you to also ...

  9. Graduate Student Back to School Bash

    prizes! Event is open to any CFAES affiliated graduate students. As of this time, attendees are encouraged to ...

  10. Farm Science Review

    Kudos to all of you who helped prepare, present and moderate more than 190 scheduled educational events ... summer, and I’m sure this particular event will make a lasting impact on the ag industry. As of yesterday, ...
