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  1. Online Webinar- New Pesticide Applicator Training- March 17, 2021

    p.m. 1:00  p.m.  Afternoon Session Weed and Herbicide Basics Weed control principless and herbicide ...

  2. Online Webinar- New Pesticide Applicator Training- February 17, 2021

    p.m. 1:00  p.m.  Afternoon Session Weed and Herbicide Basics Weed control principless and herbicide ...

  3. Virtual Plant and Pest Clinic

    Extension- Mahoning County can resume face-to-face programming, our events and classes will be virtual via ...

  4. Manure practices, not glamorous, can be a star for both food crops and water

    helping farmers get both at the same time. The event featured talks and demonstrations on manure handling, ... technologies that can help keep rivers, lakes and streams clean, said David White, executive director of the ... Ohio Livestock Coalition, an event sponsor. “Nutrient management and water quality are critical ...

  5. Lepper Library Gardening Lesson with OSU Extension- Container Gardening

    resume face-to-face programming, our events and classes will be virtually via the ZOOM platform. You can ...

  6. Deadly pig virus is now in Ohio: Key is strict biosecurity

    producers is to clean, clean, clean,” he said. “Facilities need to be as clean as possible.” PEDv isn’t ...

  7. MGV/OCVN Valley Grows Writing Class

    to Register  Until OSU Extension Mahoning County can resume face-to-face programming, our events and ...

  8. Soil Amendments for Gardeners

    resume face-to-face programming, our events and classes will be virtual via the ZOOM platform. You can ...

  9. Backyard Beauties: Attracting Uncommon Birds to their Home Habitat

    Speaker: Judy Semroc   Until OSU Extension Mahoning County can resume face-to-face programming, our events ...

  10. Backyard Beauties: Attracting Uncommon Birds to their Home Habitat

    face-to-face programming, our events and classes will be virtual via the ZOOM platform. You can download the ...
