
Search results

  1. EEDS Program Graduate: How I Launched My Sustainability Career

    events. Just the other week, I went to a B Corp event in Richmond, Virginia and had the opportunity to ...

  2. Quality Assurance Test Out Event


  3. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference- Defiance County, Ohio

    here.  To learn more about this event please see the OSU Extension-Defiance County website. Reservations ...

  4. More on Transgenic Traits and Hybrid Performance

    indicates the number of different events of that type. Reference Nafziger, E. 2010. Traits and Hybrid ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-40

    as new information about the value of biotech events in seeds for weed and insect control in Ohio. ... door. Pesticide credits are extra. The cost includes program materials and lunch. The event is sponsored ... agronomic events you will not want to miss. The Ohio Crop Production Conference on January 7th features ...

  6. Ohio Dairy Industry Forum (ODIF) Hosts Trade Discussion

    ODIF should act as a liaison to gather and distribute information on future events. ...

  7. September Dairy Judging Update

    best game day attitude polished up for the event! ...

  8. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    California competed in the event. OSU finished second in reasons, with Rachel Townsley as the high individual ...

  9. Economics of Technology Acceptance and Agricultural Producer Self-Regulation Assessment

    need for additional economic research on the topic.     This event is open to the public and RSVPs are ...

  10. Weather Update

    Nino events crops are stressed in Ohio form significant changes in our weather patterns. Impacts are ...
