
Search results

  1. Farmers Must Prepare for the Unthinkable

    need for a plan in the event of a tragedy. Identify who will make the day-to-day decisions and other ... Draw up a will to help the family know what to do in the event of death. Consider a lawyer or tax ...

  2. Animal Subjects, Biosafety, and Grants

    committee oversees, and the basics of working with both committees. The interactions between the ...

  3. Farm Science Review set to roll out plot combine, planter field demo

    demo will see four different plot combines and three plot planters in action at a single event ... known as Ohio’s premier agricultural event and typically draws more than 130,000 farmers, growers, ...

  4. Alexandria Friesen

    out as a student employee in 2008. Her responsibilities include business management, event ...

  5. Supply chain, U.S. trade policy, COVID-19 to be discussed during Farm Science Review

    event, please email The Talk on Friday Avenue is an annual panel discussion given by ...

  6. DC Days

    with federal program officers. This enables researchers to determine whether their basic concept is ...

  7. Tour Tuesdays with Knowledge Exchange – Next Event is Tomorrow, Aug. 3

    The CFAES Knowledge Exchange has developed a limited series of virtual research experience tours for Extension professionals starting in late July. ...

  8. With Changing Climate, Farmers Should Prepare

    Along with that, the amount of rainfall in Ohio has increased, and extreme rain events are far more ... agricultural event in Ohio with more than 130,000 participants over three days. Wilson’s climate predictions ...

  9. Farm Science Review: Good reasons to go green at the Gwynne Conservation Area

    The Sept. 22-24 event in London, Ohio, also will highlight the conservation of natural resources at ... of the Review’s main grounds, where some 130,000 people are expected over the event’s three days. In ...

  10. The Farm Science Review Wants Your Selfie

    said. Behind him, some of the 110,000 to 130,000 people who attend the three-day event would be visiting ...
