
Search results

  1. Plant Discovery Day is Saturday

    greenhouses. (No mums are available. They sold out at Family Day.)  Other upcoming Secrest events: October 9 –  ...

  2. Quarterly Farm Meal

    event kicks off with networking at 5:00pm followed by dinner at 6:00pm. This informal gathering is ...

  3. Pumpkins and Pillbugs

    Pick up a FREE pumpkin and trick-or-treat with the United Titanium Bug Zoo. ...

  4. Cultural Connections: Ukraine

    A talk in the Cultural Connections series-- where culture meets agriculture ...

  5. Beneficial Insects 101: Getting to Know Ohio’s Butterflies, Bees and Other Good Garden Bugs

    Registration is now open for  Beneficial Insects 101: Getting to Know Ohio’s Butterflies, Bees and Other Good Garden Bugs.  ...

  6. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready

    grant writing, this fact sheet provides an overview of the basic processes necessary for a typical ... may include grants or contracts, earned income (such as events, program fees, or fundraising), ...

  7. Fall 2024 CFAES Wooster Library Learning Series

    Learn how to construct better searches and tips and tricks for creating a literature review ...

  8. Wheat Planting When The Soil Is Dry

    problems following a rainfall event. Wheat seed should be planted into soil moisture (if possible), but no ...

  9. Donuts with the Dean

    Friday, September 27, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the CFAES Wooster Science Building Café ...

  10. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut

    should be washed with warm water and soap. Clean containers not made of food-grade materials can be used ... cold, clean water to remove soil or debris. Cut the head of cabbage into pieces and remove the center ...
