
Search results

  1. Sara L. Mastellar, Ph.D.

    Sciences Lab, Basic Horsemanship, Equine Marketing, Equine Facility Management, Equine Nutrition & ...

  2. Testing Agreement

    Calculator allowed * Basic Scientific Graphing None Textbook/Notes/Charts/Etc. allowed * Yes No Other (please ...

  3. Congratulations to the Equine Marketing Class!

    Springfield, Ohio. This event showcased the hard work and dedication of our students in the equine majors, and ...

  4. Breonna Shepherd, an AEDE fourth-year student, earns competitive scholarship to attend the Women in Agribusiness Summit

    event allowed her to spend time with ambitious women working to change the agricultural industry, ...

  5. First-Generation College Student Celebration

    National First-Generation College Student Celebration Week starts 11/4 and ends 11/8.  A dinner will be held on 11/7 to recognize first-generation students, as well as celebrate staff, faculty, and advocates for their accomplishments and support of the fi ...

  6. Halloween Softball

    Want to play some softball? Love Halloween and costumes? We have the perfect event! Halloween ...

  7. October Wooster Science Cafe: The Science of Brewing

    Co. (, 437 East South Street, Wooster, OH 44691 ·       We have a website ( and ...

  8. Lecture: The Restless Dead TONIGHT

    October 30, 2024 5:30PM- 7:00PM 244 Kauke Hall, Beall Ave, Wooster OH Please join CSEEES and the Department of German and Russian at the College of Wooster for a spooky talk on "The Restless Dead (Upyri)* in Russian Folk Belief *and the  ubyr  of the ...

  9. American Red Cross Blood Drive

    website enter your email address and date of  birth.  Fill out the form with some basic information that ...

  10. Farm Tour Volunteers Sought

    outdoor activities.  To make this event a success we are looking for volunteers for some of our exhibits, ...
