
Search results

  1. Wanted: Sponsorships for 4-H Committee Golf Outing

    1st Annual Butler County 4-H Committee Golf Outing is seeking sponsors. Event is on October 11, ...

  2. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 26 –

    crown of the stalk, then using a knife to split the stalk in half.  A healthy stalk will look clean with ...

  3. Exploring the Heart of it All Email Wellness Challenge-FREE Event

    Join the  “Exploring the Heart of It All”  Email Challenge Now! Challenge Dates: October 15 to December 2, 2024 Topics Covered: The health benefits of travel. The perks of eating and shopping local. How reading can benefit your wellness. Why we should all ...

  4. ORCID 101 (Virtual Event)

    This webinar will provide an overview of ORCID. Information will be provided to help you understand what an ORCID iD is and how it can benefit you. You will learn how to register for an ORCID iD and how to start populating data in your ORCID record. Regis ...

  5. Wheat Planting When The Soil Is Dry

    problems following a rainfall event. Wheat seed should be planted into soil moisture (if possible), but no ...

  6. Zebrafish Facility Husbandry

    cleaning tanks & glassware, organizing & cleaning facility, recording system parameters daily, ...

  7. Animal Science Clothing Order

    We are now taking orders for departmental embroidered and silkscreen clothing items (button up shirts, polos, jackets, vests, tees, sweatshirts, hats, etc.). We’ve created a great  WEBSITE   with all of our products, color options, etc. for you to view an ...

  8. In Stressful Times, Who Do You Turn To?

    them. They may offer excuses about how busy they are or that their house isn’t clean, but they still ...

  9. ST Genetics Positions

    They calve in about 250-350 a month. Employees are trained to handle routine calvings, basic dystocias, and ...

  10. Drought, an early harvest, and fall herbicide applications

    considerable precipitation events between now and the first frost. Whether or not a fall application will be ... and growth, especially following precipitation or frost events, can be helpful in making this ...
