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Creeping Towards Harvest
check on. First, make sure bunkers and silos are in proper condition. Clean out the old feed and scrape ...
Ohio State Students Take First Place at the 2021 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge
event in Ft. Wayne, IN, but due to the pandemic, the event had to be held virtually. With the virtual ...
Controlling Flies on Farms
from their breeding sites. Sanitation Flies around dairy buildings develop in moist manure or other wet ... A thorough sanitation program is a must to hold down fly populations in and around livestock buildings. (a) ... require special attention. It is best to clean these pens once a week. Using sawdust instead of other ...
Keeping Cows and Calves Cool Through Ventilation System Maintenance
your cows cool and saving energy. Lack of cleaning can reduce a fan efficiency by as much as 40%. This ... maintenance through the summer is critical to keep fans clean. Even a thin layer of dirt on the fan blades, ... cleaning. Be sure to disconnect the power supply before washing the fan and be extra cautious of water ...
Livestock Medication Records: Are They Really Necessary?
market channels. In the event you receive an FDA letter indicating a residue violation was found in milk ...
Oats as a Late Summer Forage Crop
per acre and applying 50 lb/acre of nitrogen at planting. With most seed oats or triple cleaned feed ... are present, a chemical application of Glyphosate plus 2,4-D can be used to clean fields up before ...
Update on Footbaths for Dairy Cattle
require less footbath use and maintenance. If more than 50% of cows are clean (area between coronary band ... majority of days, and maybe continuously. Obviously, a focus on frequent cleaning will improve hygiene, and ... leaving the parlor. If feet are clean entering the bath, the disinfectant solution has a better chance to ...
Don't Forget Quality Assurance While Preparing for Summer Fairs and Shows
when working with dairy projects animals at home. 1. Provide clean, fresh water for your animals. Water ... lose weight. 3. Provide dry and clean bedding. Clean bedding not only keeps the animal healthier and ... basic animal care at the show, exhibitors should also do their best to maintain a positive image for the ...
Determining Forage Moisture Content
material over time leaves gummy residues on the sensor. Periodic cleaning and calibration of the sensor is ... shop. Forage sample size in the vortex dryer is 200 grams. The procedure is basically the same as with ...
Recommended Adjustment when Pricing Forages
for legumes, grasses, mixtures, and corn silage. The basic procedure is you first calculate the price ...