
Search results

  1. What's on Tap at Manure Science Review?

    Engineers. Sponsoring the event are OSU Extension, Ohio State’s Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  2. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    manage the impacts of extreme weather events and climate change The webinar is free. To register click ...

  3. Media Advisory: Ohio First Lady to Attend Ohio State University Ag Event

    educational event that introduces over 500 urban school children and their teachers to agriculture and natural ...

  4. Farm Green Year Round. Learn More at Ohio No-Till Field Day, Sept. 1

    stewardship while improving the bottom line.   The event will be held September 1 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at ...

  5. When is the Best Time to Market Cull Cows?

    Feed prices keep changing. All of these events create headaches and opportunities. In this column, we ...

  6. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    hay. Feed prices keep changing. All of these events create headaches and opportunities. In this column, ...

  7. Ohio State Research Shows Dollar Value of Urban Trees, Benefits NE Ohio City

    their air-cleaning properties, Chiriboga partnered with the city of Wooster to use it as a giant ...

  8. OARDC Crabapple Trees Blooming Early: Should Be at Their Peak This Weekend

    Helping, too, is the arboretum's  Plant Discovery Day, which is set for May 5. The annual event ...

  9. OSU Extension to Sponsor Direct Marketing Conference Trip

    annual conference and trade show. The event will be held Jan. 16-19, 2002 in Toronto, Canada. NAFDMA is ...

  10. World's Largest Soybean Farmer to Present at OSU Extension Field Day

    rancher and soybean farmer, is another featured speaker at the event. Other speakers include: • Robert ...
