
Search results

  1. CFAES Fall Career Expo

    Two events in one location where you can meet with and apply for internship and full-time jobs ...

  2. UITL Workshop via Zoom

    CCT tool workshop to be offered via Zoom. Please complete survey to determine day and time. ...

  3. Corn University, Soybean School Offered at Conservation Tillage Conference March 3-4

    attend the event, which is organized by OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  4. Classes with a Taste of Science Tempt Buckeye Students

    what makes it a safe food-- properties like its very low water activity, and basic science regarding ... and food allergens; biotechnology's role in food production; and basics including food ...

  5. CFAES Research Conference Will Focus on Water Quality

    agriculture’s role in protecting it. The event, set for Friday, April 27, in Wooster, will feature 16 speakers ...

  6. Applications Due- Study Abroad Voyagers

    plan events and receive training How: They will help disseminate information about study abroad though ... (YouTube, posters, PowerPoint) and a study abroad reunion event.  They will also represent study abroad at ...

  7. Ohio State, Smucker's come together over coffee

    between basic research and applications in areas such as photosynthesis and carbon fixation, biomass and ...

  8. Agronomists Offer Webinars for Corn, Soybean and Wheat Growers Feb. 11 and 25

    week prior to the event and can be done at       Greg LaBarge ...

  9. 4-H Forum at Ohio State Offers Teens Safe Place to Talk About Opioid Crisis, Learn Prevention Strategies

    Columbus campus. The event is being held by Ohio 4-H, the youth development program of OSU Extension, the ...

  10. CFAES' Office of Equity and Inclusion Fall Professional Development Workshops

    CFAES’ Office of Equity and Inclusion is pleased to announce that registration is open for our Fall semester professional development workshops.  ...
