
Search results

  1. Iron

    exceed 10 mg/L. Treatment options for elimination or reduction of iron bacteria include physical cleaning ...

  2. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    history of OSU Extension The event will be held at the Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street, Columbus ... in the annual conference and recognition event, and that the office will reopen on December 12 ... agency or temporary employee to assist during this event. “In these times of change throughout our ...

  3. ArboBlitz 2015- Service Learning Project

    2011, OSU and Chadwick Arboretum have hosted ArboBlitz, a yearly service learning event to ensure our ...

  4. Basic Home Food Preservation

    This home food preservation overview will highlight common food preservation techniques such as canning, freezing and drying of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs from the personal garden or farmers' markets. This is open to those who have never done ...

  5. Online Food Directories for Ohio Consumers

    or zip code) or events, or venue (CSA, Farms, Farmers Markets, Restaurants, Grocery/Co-op, U-Pick, ... basket, farm crafts, wool and fibers, pet needs, flowers, seeds and events   Title: Ohio Market Maker, ...

  6. Lane Avenue Gardens Candlelit Winter Walk

    event. If you are a visitor to campus, then you will need to purchase a parking pass from the ...

  7. 2016 List of Plants for Sale

    Click Auction for a complete list of each day's auction plants. The Auction is a fun event and you ...

  8. Ecological Engineering Society Rain Garden

    beautification and clean water. CORGI can provide education and technical assistance to help with rain garden ...

  9. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

    filter must backwashed periodically; a cartridge filter must be cleaned or replaced periodically.  These ...

  10. 2014 Ohio Stormwater Conference

    clicking here  for more information on this event. The Ohio Stormwater Conference will provide up to 13 ... sessions Click to Register Today! Last years event sold out with over 630 attendees, register early to ...
