
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Scientists examining risks of raw produce (for 6/29/08)

    or if their work areas aren't kept clean. Although bacteria is easily killed with thorough ...

  2. Grow Backyard Fruits at Farm Science Review

    and Grillin' event, which emphasizes gardening through the joy of what Utzinger offers and the ... 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. each day. The Millin' portion of the event will be held Sept. 21 and will ... perennials to lawn care to fruits and vegetables. The Chillin' portion of the event will be held Sept. ...

  3. Welcome to our New 4-H Families!

    doing some spring cleaning, and looking at some new home improvement projects.  This is also the time ...

  4. Clean Water for Ohio: New Partners, Projects, Funding are Growing Field to Faucet

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – In the year since the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University launched its Field to Faucet program, significant strides have been made to improve Ohio water quality.   ...

  5. Researcher Focuses on Developing Foods with a Boost for Health

    approach to basic research on a cellular level, applying it to practical uses, and getting a product into ...

  6. Ohio State Team Takes 'Buzz Lightyear' Snack Idea to Anaheim

    wrist communicator," said Gerald Sigua, a Master's student studying use of sanitizers in food ...

  7. OSU President Gee to Keynote Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair

    public event runs from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), ... a recycling station, food vendors and more. “Green Is for Life!” is the theme. Last year’s event drew 67 ...

  8. Secrest Arboretum Night Insect Walk is This Saturday (7/16)

    of insects that are good and they shouldn’t fear them,” said event co-organizer Luis Cañas, an ... associate professor of entomology-- insect science-- at the center. The popular free event goes from 8-10:30 ...

  9. Under Pressure... and That's Good; Food Science Pioneer Honored

    and preserved,” OARDC Director Steve Slack said. “He has undertaken basic research on the effect of ...

  10. Chow Line: Try leaner ground beef for burgers (for 5/29/11)

    gets between the bun. First, here are some basics about ground beef. Under law, ground beef or ...
