
Search results

  1. 2022 MGV Day of Education

    2022 Day of Education WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2022 Registration begins at 7:30AM. Event is ...

  2. Balancing Your Health and the Spring To-Do List

    water. Keep your food clean-- pack washing material such as cloths, soap, and water to clean hands before ...

  3. Pest Management for the Garden and Home Landscape


  4. Fermentation Basics

    Join Jenny Lobb, OSU Extension Educator, to learn about fermentation as a food preservation method. You will learn about fermentation techniques, needed ingredients and equipment for successful fermentation, and potential health benefits associated with t ...

  5. Franklin County All about Flowers 4-H SPIN Club

    register.  REGISTER: You may view the event flyer here. ...

  6. Campus Tree Mapping

    annual Arbor Day celebrations, and weekly volunteer events that allows volunteers and students to work ... a tree inventory event where our staff works with volunteers to map a specific section of campus. For ... more information on how to get involved with this event, please visit our Become a Volunteer Today ...

  7. Self-Care in the New Year Webinar

    such as live captioning to participate in this event, please contact Jenny Lobb at or ... 614-292-7775. Requests made 10 day prior to the event will generally allow enough time to provide seamless ...

  8. Prevent Combine Fires During Fall Harvest

     Keeping machinery well maintained plays a large role in preventing fires from these sources. Cleaning up ... plan in place and discuss it with the other workers or family members.  Knowing what to do in the event ...

  9. Safe Equipment Operation During the Winter

    vehicles. Taking time to clean steps and remove snow or ice before mounting is important. Always dismount ...

  10. Take Action Against Combine and Field Fires

    increase in fires to combine harvesters and crop fields. Unintentional fires are never an enjoyable event ... in preventing fires from these sources. Cleaning up spills, blowing off chaff, leaves, and other ... with the other workers or family members.  Knowing what to do in the event of a fire emergency is ...
