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  1. New Research from Professor Irwin Offers Analysis of the Interaction between Humans and Ecosystem Thresholds

    conceptual, it captures the basic features of thresholds that are common in many ecosystems. For example, ...

  2. Workshop Agenda

    introduce the basics of LCA along with some applications and shortcomings. The importance of accounting for ...

  3. For Ohio State Scientist Fred Michel, Sustainability Is a Way of Life

    of educational programs in the community, organizes events focused on green energy and sustainability, and has ...

  4. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Practices for the Future of Conservation Agriculture and Soil Health,” a goal of the event, Reeder said, is ... event will feature several concurrent sessions during the conference. Topics to be discussed include: ...

  5. AEDE Undergraduate Scholarship Competition

    funding for the 2014-2015 academic year will be held on April 8, 2014. After the event we will post ...

  6. Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection

    observations should be made while cows are in a clean area with good footing.  A well-drained, dirt exercise ...

  7. Controlling Feed Costs for Dairy Cattle

    refusals (e.g. use good silo management to reduce spoilage, feed for 1 to 2% refusals and clean out ...

  8. Organic Farming Conference Features Record 27 Ohio State University Presenters, Feb. 16-17

    presentations during the event, which is expected to draw 1,200 participants, organizers said.  The previous ...

  9. Conservation Tillage Conference

    the event, nearly half, 400, are certified crop advisers, said Harold Watters, an Ohio State ... farmers and industry representatives. In addition to a Corn University and Soybean School, the event will ...

  10. Ohio Ice Wine Is Hot — Share It With Your Valentine

    attendance at the event, now in its 12th year, has grown to several thousand. Details are at ...
