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  1. June Plantings, Quarterly Stocks Reports Generally Bearish

    significant policy event from a historical perspective, as the June plantings report further confirmed." ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-24

    ripped open or knocked off a shelf, the spill should be confined to the immediate area and cleaned up ... promptly. Steel shelves are easier to clean than wood if a spill occurs. Shelves for smaller containers ...

  3. Favorable midseason weather conditions mean near-trendline yield still possible

    of events this season. "In general, we have enough water to make a crop this year," Watters ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-13

    yields in years with La Nina events, especially for corn. Wheat and soybeans can go either way. We hope ... Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio. The event is sponsored by Ohio State University ... Manure Management and the Midwest Professional Nutrient Applicators Association. The one day event will ...

  5. Post-USDA Reports, Market Focus Likely Shifts to 2012

    event, and we had projections for corn yields all over the place.” Roberts noted that in terms of ...

  6. Crop Insurance, Risk Management to Shape Next Farm Bill: Ohio State Ag Economists

    management, mostly in the form of crop insurance programs to guarantee that farmers are protected when events ...

  7. TWEL Joni Downs Thesis

    flood events of a magnitude that cause nest flooding occur 2-5 times annually during the breeding ...

  8. Success With New Commodities Promising for Ohio Farmers

    Ohio and provide basic market-related information." Last year's harvest was provided to ...

  9. Soybean Yields May Plummet in Absence of Rain

    the crop's condition, you basically have to look at two halves of the state. Southern Ohio has ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-27

    for soybean growers and the soybean aphid? Basically, nothing for this growing season. Aphid ...
