
Search results

  1. go Green, go Buckeye!

    will also have the opportunity to go on a tour of either Noskar House or Morrill Tower. The event will ...

  2. Change, Growth to Be Evident at 2014 Farm Science Review

    known as the Midwest’s premier agricultural event and draws more than 130,000 farmers, growers, ...

  3. OSU Expert: Sustainable Ag Grants Can Help Fund Farm Objectives

    Review is known nationally as Ohio’s premier agricultural event. It annually draws more than 130,000 ...

  4. News: Faculty, staff honored for service, scholarship, teaching and advising

    Ohio State ATI held its annual faculty/staff recognition event on April 21. The following were ...

  5. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of June 22, 2013

    Elizabeth (Betsy) Ludwig COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State ... packing material. Information: NEW: June 23-24: Ohio ... check at the event. To register, email with the number of people attending. ...

  6. Using Liquid Manure to Fertilize Wheat? Consider Timing, Nitrogen Content

    following 24 hours. Print this forecast out so you have proof in the event of a surprise downpour.” ...

  7. Annual PAX Poinsettia Sale

    adorn your home for the holidays. COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! This is a very popular event, so we ...

  8. Mobile Deisgn Lab on campus on Sept. 11

    Stop in and explore Digital Flagship’s new Mobile Design Land and learn about coding, app development, and other digital skills by experts. ...

  9. What GMO Labeling Means for ‘Black Box’ of Food Storage, Distribution: Panel Discussion Sept. 20

    economics-focused panel discussion has become an annual event at the Review, held in the Tobin Building on Beef ...

  10. Volunteer Recognition

    honor our volunteers at a Pancake Breakfast served by Chris Cakes. This is a volunteer-only event with ...
