
Search results

  1. Omelet and Burrito Fundraiser

    The Animal Welfare and Behavior Club is collaborating with the Poultry Science Club to have an Omelet and Burrito Fundraiser next Friday, January 18 th  from 9am-1pm in Kottman Hall Lobby. Hope to see you there! ...

  2. Ohio State to Conduct Wide Range of Shale-Related Research

    harmful materials,” Prakash said. “Then, we need to clean the water for reuse in the most environmentally ...

  3. Science Fair Judges Needed (and Will be Paid)

    The Ohio Soybean Council is seeking judges to evaluate youth science fair projects at 17 district science fairs across Ohio on Saturdays in March. Judges will receive a stipend for a couple hours of judging, have their mileage reimbursed, and will be orie ...

  4. ASM 3330- Grain Handling, Drying, and Milling

    Looking to take a free or technical elective this spring? We are offering a new course in Agricultural Systems Management; ASM 3330- Grain Handling, Drying, and Milling. I have attached a flyer with more details. Students will gain knowledge on the princi ...

  5. Human-Animal Interactions Club

    The Human-Animal Interactions Club is having an animal trainer from the Columbus Zoo guest speak on January 24 th  from 5:30-6:30! Hope to see you there! ...

  6. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Feb. 21

    Elizabeth (Betsy) Ludwig COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State ...  (click on “Shale and You” under “Upcoming Extension Events”). NEW: Feb. 25: Registration deadline ...

  7. Correction: Statewide Tour Series Features Hops Production, Aquaponics and Urban Agriculture

    events. From 2 to 5 p.m., at Lady Bug Farm, 519 Carroll St., Youngstown. Contact 330-272-6651 or ...

  8. Photo Contest

    What was your most memorable human-animal interaction in 2018??? Send CHAIRE a photo with a brief description for a chance to win prizes and to be featured on their website and social media! Submissions are due by January 14th, 2019 at 11:59pm. ...

  9. Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!

    Our first event is only 2 weeks away! RMRW is a wonderful opportunity to share your “real world” ...

  10. Dr. Lyda Garcia Brings Passion for Meat Science & Agriculture to the Department

    events and recruitment, CFAES Faculty Council, and Departmental committees. Dr. Garcia brings her passion ...
