
Search results

  1. Plant Discovery Day and Art Sale

    change) and auction details. Schedule of Events:     9:00-3:00       Plant & Art Sale     9:00-12:30  ...

  2. Thompson Teaches at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania for the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI)

    leaving Sokoine University of Agriculture to study at other universities this fall a basic overview of the ...

  3. Human Capital Spillovers in Dutch Cities: Consumption or Productivity?

    incumbent skill groups, at the level of Dutch cities.   This event is open to the public and no RSVP is ... this event.   ...

  4. Videos and Presentations

    become popular for guiding decisions toward sustainability. This session will introduce the basics of LCA ...

  5. Voluntary Pollution Control (VPC) Workshop, May 20 and 21st at The Blackwell

    the event. Environmental Economics Pollution Reduction ...

  6. Maintaining Monarchs: Mandates, Management or Money?

    "Maintaining Monarchs: Mandates, Management or Money?" This event is open to the public and RSVPs are not ...

  7. OSU Extension offers Beef Cattle School Jan. 29, Feb. 26 and March 19

    information.     Those who can’t attend the events at the host locations can participate in the school via ...

  8. Meet Anna Parkman, Instructional Faculty in Agribusiness and Applied Economics

    forward to teaching students basic management principles and how to apply them to a variety of businesses. ...

  9. Farm Liability Insurance

    activities that are specifically excluded from coverage, which might include custom farming, special events ...

  10. OARDC to Host Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barn Workshop on Dec. 5

    agricultural and biological engineering at Ohio State University and one of the event’s organizers and ...
