
Search results

  1. Advanced Micronutrient Metabolism

    physiological and molecular events, including nuclear receptor activity and transcription. Prereq: 7762 (762), ...

  2. What is Wild?! How intensive training practices for the African wild dog and cheetah are influencing wildlife management strategies around the world

    This event’s menu features apple and cinnamon overnight oats; spinach, roast red bell peppers, goat ... There will be plates, cups, woodware, and napkins.  We strive to host events that are inclusive and ... be available, as well as other accommodations as requested on the registration. Masks are optional for all event ...

  3. Student Assistant Husbandry Summer Position

    additional training in aquatic animal care. Duties include: feeding fish, cleaning tanks & glassware, ... organizing & cleaning facility, recording system parameters daily, reporting abnormal fish behavior and ...

  4. Career Class Opportunity

     If you at the point where you are exploring or finalizing career options, FAES 2351, Planning a Career in Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences is for you! This is a 1 credit hour course that meets on Monday, 12:40-1:35 PM in Agriculture Adminis ...

  5. Research Administration for Departmental Staff: Building Proposals 101

    Gengler-Nowak.1, Aimee Nielsen-Link.1, or Jared Port.4. This event will be presented with automated closed ... Gengler-Nowak at or 614-292-8077. Requests made 15 business days prior to the event will ...

  6. April BIYC

    For this month's Buckeyes In Your Corner, we're having a year-end cookout! It is going to be on Wednesday, April 19 th  @ 5:30 PM in the Animal Sciences Arena. See this flier for more details! ...

  7. Research Administration for Departmental Staff: Introduction to University Laboratory and Animal Resources

    Port.4. This event will be presented with automated closed captions. If you wish to request traditional ... 614-292-8077. Requests made 15 business days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless ...

  8. Purchasing on Sponsored Programs

    Differences and similarities of purchasing on sponsored programs vs. general funds, basic rules ... or 614-292-8077. Requests made 10 business days (2 weeks) prior to the event will generally allow ...

  9. Equine Internships in Ocala, FL

    modification consults and educational events – all with a foundation in behavioral science, ethology, and ...

  10. October BIYC – Meet the Teams!

    Corner event is going to feature an opportunity to hear more about competing on the teams from our ... FREE food and drinks  for all that come.  The event is  Wednesday, October 19 th  in the Animal ...
