
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-01

    the winter months. Planning now for these winter events is critical. Identify fields with the lowest ... How do I clean up errors in a yield file? How well do yield response match up to soil types in ... many other basic questions on how we can better use yield data in management of inputs will be ...

  2. Recruit Ohio 2013 Alumni Career Fair

    from our neighboring universities. This event is hosted by The OSUAA Office of Alumni Career Management ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-35

    Lauer, Joe.  2010.  Pressured to Place that Corn Seed Order?  Remember the Basics.  Wisconsin Crop ... /EntryId/1045/Pressured-to-Place-that-Corn-Seed-Order-Remember-the-Basics.aspx  (URL accessed Oct 18 2010). ...

  4. Western Agronomy Field Day is July 16

    Charleston Pike, in South Charleston. The event will also feature a wagon tour and a locally catered lunch. ...

  5. That's a Wrap! SENR Ends Semester on High Note

    event.   ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Reception Kerry Ard, assistant professor of environmental ...

  6. Faculty, graduate students present research at largest ornithological conference in history

    community ecology, ecotoxicology and conservation biology.    Other notable conference events included ...

  7. AEDE Faculty and Students Present Research at the 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting

    Each summer one of the most highly anticipated events for AEDE’s faculty and students takes place: ... AEDE faculty and graduate students presented their research at a number of the meeting's events ...

  8. Highlights from the 2016 Agribusiness Club Trip to Texas

    rooms, classrooms and a beautiful event facility. The morning of our fifth day we went back to Texas ...

  9. Is it Phytophthora stem rot? Is it flooding injury? Or is it both?

    grown in the fields that have these flooding events, it is a double hit and even more important that the ...

  10. Whither the WTO?

    a presentation at the AEDE Seminar Series focused on policy.  This event is open to the public and RSVPs are not ...
