
Search results

  1. Hull and Weaver Inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015

    Service Friday night at the Department of Animal Sciences annual recognition event, An Evening of ...

  2. AEDE Students and Professor Emeritus Recognized at 64th Annual CFAES Celebration of Students Event


  3. Ohio State Researchers Help to Author the U.S. National Climate Assessment Report

    will be offset by extreme weather events. The authors note that though adaptation options can reduce ...

  4. New Research from Professor Mario Miranda and Katie Farrin Looks at Index Insurance Options for the Developing World

    policyholders to assess damages or determine premiums in the event of a rainfall payout. Instead, under an index ...

  5. Ohio State Economists Discuss Sustainable Development at Discovery Themes Lecture/COMPAS Conference

    Millennium Promise Alliance, and is director of the Millennium Villages Project. Before the event, Sachs ...

  6. Banner Photo of the Week

    This week's photo is courtesy of Joan Galbraith! Have you always wanted your adorable pet to be on the front page of our weekly newsletter? Well now you have your chance!! Any animal can be pictured, whether that be a family pet or simply your favori ...

  7. Four Department Graduates to Receive 2014 CFAES Alumni Awards

    events in Louisiana for alumni. He has also contributed to the number of Ohio State students engaged in ...

  8. AWBC Meeting

    Dr. Craig Harms will be coming to speak about farmed fish welfare! Wednesday, November 1 st at 6:30 in Room 111N (north side of the arena) of the Animal Science Building. Homemade Rice Krispie treats will be provided!   ...

  9. Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”

    migrations after traumatic shocks such as war, economic volatility, or climatic events. These have long been ...

  10. Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”

    migrations after traumatic shocks such as war, economic volatility, or climatic events. These have long been ...
