
Search results

  1. AFA Leaders Conference Application Assistance

    assistance. As with any college event, there will be some delicious FREE food! We hope to see you there! ...

  2. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Dec. 9

    Harrison LeJeune COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State University’s  ... includes a full breakfast. Information: or 614-247-1908. ...

  3. Building African Food Security One Student at a Time

    prestigious 2014 World Food Prize event in Des Moines, Iowa, in October, where he participated in the Borlaug ...

  4. Farm Science Review’s Gwynne Conservation Area Offers Diversity of Topics to Meet Wide Variety of Visitors’ Interests

    of the issues and topics participants can expect to learn about during the three-day farm event that ...

  5. Crop Insurance, Risk Management to Shape Next Farm Bill

    management, mostly in the form of crop insurance programs to guarantee that farmers are protected when events ...

  6. Mullins attends National Collegiate Research Conference

    Undergraduate Research Association. The event was held January 22-24, 2015. The NCRC "is a platform for ...

  7. Container gardening using Strawberry Jars

    take a little practice but basically you just need to create an opening in the soil, add the plant, and ...

  8. Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium

    Nutrient Management, and Product Demand.” The event will be held Dec. 14 at the Ohio Agricultural Research ...

  9. 2016 Animal Welfare Judging Team Competes at The Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest

    were integral in coordinating the 2016 event. ...

  10. Celebration of Nations

    and student event for ATI and OARDC in Wooster. Come learn about the diversity of Ohio State’s Wooster ...
