
Search results

  1. Cuyahoga County 4-H Service Event to Support Australian Wildlife


  2. Pike County Nutritional Sciences Field Day, The Story of the Strawberry

    interest in health science, food science, biotech, and ag science, basic and applied nutrition science and ...

  3. Urban Farmer Networking Event


  4. Urban Farmer Networking Event


  5. Cleveland's Urban Farmer Networking Event

    Attend to Connect and Learn from fellow Cleveland Farmers. Come as you are, arrive when you can. ...

  6. Following successful 2018, Endeavor Center enters transition period as new year begins

    SBDC continues to strengthen partnerships by jointly hosting training events with local business ...

  7. YuTube: Newly-minted Professor Yu ‘Gary’ Gao takes on new challenge – online video

    stream of visiting scholars. He holds several popular events throughout the year including the Blueberry, ...

  8. Soil and Water Field Night (Thursday, July 28, 2016) at OSU South Centers

    the agenda. The topics at the event will “help farmers make knowledgeable decisions about best ... tour. A free dinner will be included, and door prizes will be given away at the end of the event ... . Presenting the event will be experts not just from the centers and the rest of the college but from the U.S. ...

  9. Introduction to Aquaculture and Aquaponics

    (Click the image to view more details of this event.)                     Deadline to register is ...

  10. SBDC wraps up successful 2018 fiscal year

    events with 344 attendees • SBDC Clients created 106 new jobs and retained 532 jobs • Recorded $4,944,400 ...
