
Search results

  1. Battery Safety

    clean and usable in environments intolerant of acid vapors and spills. If charged or discharged too ... (black) on a clean, unpainted, metal surface of the vehicle. Start the vehicle with working battery and ... contact and create sparks. Wear safety goggles or a face shield when inspecting or cleaning the battery. ...

  2. Rachel Wins 2nd Place at the GRS in the PhD Research Category

    the  Graduate Research Symposium. The Graduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by the HCS  ... planning committee for their hard work and dedication in putting on an excellent and successful event ...

  3. Performing a Physical Exam on a Chicken

    principles including the use of disposable gloves and post-exam sanitation including washing of hands and ... (nostrils) should be clear and clean, free of any discharge, crusts, or scratches. Exudate or mucus coming ... keeper to practice good sanitation and biosecurity when handling their birds. There are several diseases ...

  4. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries

    following fact sheets: Drying Fruits and Vegetables, HYG-5347 Preserving Pie Fillings, HYG-5355 Basics for ...

  5. Lichens

    symbiont, is the most recognizable part of the lichen. There are four basic lichen body types: 1. Lichens ... and (3) clean air. Lichens grow on most any undisturbed surface commonly known as their substrate. ... in your neighborhood is clean enough to support the dual organism.     Figure 3.  Flavoparmelia sp. ...

  6. Auck Retires from State 4-H Office

    Allen Auck, program manager for events and activities with the state 4-H office, will be retiring ...

  7. Small-Engine Machine Safety for Trainers and Supervisors

    before refueling. Clean up any spilled gasoline before starting the engine. Do not smoke while filling ... Clean the mower after each use, including the underside of the mower deck. Clean the grass catcher, if ... tighten all loose nuts, bolts, and screws. Clean the trimmer after each use. Leaf Blower Safety and ...

  8. Traveling with 4-H Teens

    process. This fact sheet was developed as a guide to assist adults chaperoning a trip or event with youth ... options, walking distance to events, internet access, amenities, etc. Make rooming arrangements by gender ... dismissed from. This includes how they will be transported home in the event the code of conduct is broken. ...

  9. Canning Basics

    it or have it repaired. Clean lid gaskets and other parts according to the manufacturer's ... allow air bubbles to escape. Adjust the headspace, and clean the jar rim (sealing surface) with a clean ... , damp cloth or paper towel. Place the lid, gasket down, onto the cleaned jar rim. Uncleaned jar-sealing ...

  10. Wang appointed to Professorship in Plant Protection

    Faculty and Staff College Events/Announcements CFAES News Team 614-292-2270 ...
