
Search results

  1. OSU Extension Energy Outreach Team- Carbon Sequestration Panel

    this event. The zoom link is on the flyer and the zoom invite is below:  Topic: Carbon Sequestration ...

  2. Zebrafish Facility Husbandry

    cleaning tanks & glassware, organizing & cleaning facility, recording system parameters daily, ...

  3. High Tunnel Workshop

    focus during this event will include: Long cane raspberry production in high tunnels High tunnel ... and disease management Weed management in high tunnels This event is supported by a North Central SARE ...

  4. Grain Marketing Workshop

    Basics of Grain Marketing Workshop 2025 In-Person Workshop- January 16 & 17, 2025- Urbana, OH ...

  5. Photography Basics, Book 1

    Photography Basics, Book 1 This beginning level study of photography gives you the tools you need ... 1731834561 ...

  6. ST Genetics Positions

    They calve in about 250-350 a month. Employees are trained to handle routine calvings, basic dystocias, and ...

  7. Animal Science Clothing Order

    We are now taking orders for departmental embroidered and silkscreen clothing items (button up shirts, polos, jackets, vests, tees, sweatshirts, hats, etc.). We’ve created a great  WEBSITE   with all of our products, color options, etc. for you to view an ...

  8. Robotics Essentials

    Robotics Essentials Not all robots are the same, but they do share some basic features. Choose ...

  9. My 4-H Cloverbud Year (Individual)

    My 4-H Cloverbud Year (Individual) This fun book is a great way for Cloverbuds to learn the basics ... of 4-H and keep track of their activities and events. Completion of this book is optional, and can be ...

  10. My 4-H Cloverbud Year (Set of 10)

    My 4-H Cloverbud Year (Set of 10) This fun book is a great way for Cloverbuds to learn the basics ... of 4-H and keep track of their activities and events. Completion of this book is optional, and can be ...
