
Search results

  1. Dine to Donate Opportunity- Raising Cane's

    community service, leadership, and more! Their big events include planning the Fairfield County 4-H ...

  2. Livestock and Cold Temperatures- Pay Attention to the 'Real Feel'

    and January 30 th will be at the Harvest Ridge Event Center in Millersburg.  You will need to call the ... (including upcoming Agronomy School, and Farm Transition Workshop) you can check out the events calendar on ... health livestock safety cold weather safety cold weather prep upcoming events events ANR Agriculture and ...

  3. Older Youth Opportunities

    Additionally, the Addendum can include past 4-H and non-4-H activities, programs, events, and participation that ...

  4. All New FFA Scholarships!

    the State FFA Agronomy + Floriculture Career Development Events (CDE). These scholarships are ...

  5. Bruce Ackley Receives NCWSS Distinguished Achievement Award!

    The day depends on the semester and the courses I am teaching that semester. Basically, it's make ...

  6. Food & Farm Marketing Basics

    for Food and Farm Marketing Basics to improve your marketing skills and better connect with your ...

  7. Basics of Grain Marketing Workshop

    No grain marketing experience is required.  This in-person workshop offers education and farm ready strategies on topics such as: basis, market carry, margins, cash markets, forward and futures contracts, hedge to arrive and basis contracts, differed pric ...

  8. Last Call for the CCA Exam Preparation Class!

    management, and crop management. Even if you are not considering the CCA program, this class is a great basic ...

  9. Protecting Peace: Pressures Of Holiday Can Take Toll On Mental Health

    the pressures of gift-giving, social events, and expectations can sometimes take a toll on your mental ... Focus on connection and enjoyment and creating meaningful moments over perfect events. Family time that ... permission to miss some events and not engage in every conversation.  Knowing family members will have ...

  10. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Early Registration Open

    other uses to promote the annual event. Upcoming Events ...
