
Search results

  1. Jared Morrison

    Morrison Event Planner College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Ohio State University ...

  2. Chow Line: Preschool ideal time to focus on healthy eating

    foods event or by providing one local food item each month. Start simple. Fruits and vegetables are ...

  3. Calendar of Events

    Check out these events we thought you'd enjoy!  ...

  4. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    change, soil health, cover crops and no-till farming, events sponsored by two farm organizations in ...

  5. County Avian Flu News Releases

    helpful when planning educational poultry events/activities in counties.  Please check out this page for ...

  6. Gress to complete internship with Ohio Department of Agriculture

    communication director for the Ohio Department of Agriculture. “Her background in graphic design and event ... planning will come in handy as she helps us prepare materials and plan events for the summer, including our ...

  7. Finer Elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science

    developmental events, such as tissue growth and gene expression, that are critical to understanding molecular ...

  8. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest- Individual Presentation

      Event Schedule Registration Information: Registration must be postmarked by Feb 15 and will not ... participate. Registration Form Event Details: The primary objective of the Communication Contest is to provide, ...

  9. Ohio Shale’s Biggest Environmental Impact May Be on Forests: Talk at Farm Science Review Some 130,000 people are expected to attend the event. Joe Bonnell 614-292-9383 ...

  10. Classes with a Taste of Science Tempt Buckeye Students

    what makes it a safe food-- properties like its very low water activity, and basic science regarding ... and food allergens; biotechnology's role in food production; and basics including food ...
